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Each Rule can be parametrized when added to Ruleset. In this way Rules can be reused in many contexts.

Rule parameters are placed in Rule script class as fields and have an annotation @RuleParameter. The definition of a parameter is written in the annotation's attributes. 

List of parameter types supported in Commithub Rule:

Parameter TypeDescriptionSample Definition
Simple String parameter
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.STRING, name="astring")
String astring
Integer parameter
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.INT, name="anInt")
int anInt
Double parameter
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.DOUBLE, name="aDouble")
double aDouble
Boolean parameter
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.BOOL, name="aBoolean")
boolean aBoolean
Date parameter in YYYY-MM-DD format
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.DATE, name="aDate")
String aDate
Groups parameter which appears as multiple JIRA groups picker, holds names of groups
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.GROUPS, name="groups")
String[] groups
Roles parameter which appears as multiple JIRA Project Roles picker, holds IDs of roles
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.ROLES, name="roles")
long[] roles
Statuses parameter which appears as multiple JIRA Statuses picker, holds IDs of statuses
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.STATUSES, name="statuses")
long[] statuses
Resolutions parameters which appears as multiple JIRA Resolutions picker, holds IDs of resolutions
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.RESOLUTIONS, name="resolutions")
long[] resolutions
Versions parameters which appears as multiple JIRA Versions picker, holds IDs of versions
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.VERSIONS, name="versions")
long[] versions
Components parameters which appears as multiple JIRA Components picker, holds IDs of components
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.COMPONENTS, name="components")
long[] components
Projects parameter which appears as mutliple JIRA Projects picker, holds IDs of projects
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.PROJECTS, name="projects")
long[] projects
Filter parameter which appears as multiple JIRA Filters picker, holds IDs of filters
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.FILTERS, name="filters")
long[] filters
JQL parameter which appears as syntax highlighted JIRA JQL field
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.JQL, name="jql")
String jql
Regexp parameter which appears as regular expression text field
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.REGEXP, name="regexp")
String regexp
Field parameter which appears as JIRA Custom Field picker, holds a name of the picked field
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.FIELD, name="field")
String field

Predefined multi-choice parameter, holds IDs of picked options.

Values are declared in the values attribute as an array of options. Each option is annotated with @RuleParameterValue and holds attributes id and value as a displayed label.

@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.PREDEF_VALUES_MULTI, name="branch", values=[
            @RuleParameterValue(id=0, value="branch no. 1"),
            @RuleParameterValue(id=1, value="branch no. 2"),
            @RuleParameterValue(id=2, value="branch no. 3")
int[] branch

Predefined single-choice parameter, holds an ID of picked option.

Values are declared in the values attribute as an array of options. Each option is annotated with @RuleParameterValue and holds attributes id and value as a displayed label.

@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.PREDEF_VALUES_SINGLE, name="aBooleanLabeled", values=[
            @RuleParameterValue(id=0, value="at least one"),
            @RuleParameterValue(id=1, value="all")
int aBooleanLabeled
SQL query which appears in text area
@RuleParameter(type=RuleParameter.Type.SQL, name="sql")
String sql
  • No labels